Board of Trustees

The Briggs Lawrence County Public Library Board of Trustees consists of seven members who are appointed by the Lawrence County Common Pleas Court in accordance with Ohio Revised Code 3375.06. Board members serve a six-year term and are eligible for re-appointment for successive terms at the discretion of the Court.

The Board of Trustees holds regular monthly meetings on the 4th Thursday of each month at 12:00 P.M. in the meeting room of the Ironton Library at 321 South 4th Street, Ironton, Ohio, 45638, unless advertised otherwise. Library board meetings are conducted in compliance with the Ohio Sunshine Laws.

Board President – Donna Dingus

Board Vice President – Becky Bowling

Members – Charles Linthicum, Nancy Collier, J.T. Holt, Elizabeth Cremeans, and Katrina Swann

The Library Administrative Offices are located at 101 Thelma Avenue, South Point, Ohio, 45680 and can be reached by calling 740-533-0363 or by fax to 740- 377-9499, Monday through Friday, 9:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M.

Director – Gretchen Claypool,

Fiscal Officer - Shawn McGoon,