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National Library Week 2024

Visit the library during the week of April 7 to April 13 and enter to win a family entertainment pack.  One winner will be chosen at each branch. Open to all ages. Also, don't forget to sign up for our Top Authors Club to be automatically placed on hold for our most popular authors.  

Justice Bus at Ironton

The Ohio Justice Bus is a mobile legal aid office and technology hotspot that allows legal aid
and pro bono attorneys to travel to and provide legal services to Ohioans at no cost to clients.

The Ohio Justice Bus is partnering with the Briggs Lawrence County Public Library to offer free
legal advice to low-income residents of Lawrence county. You will have the opportunity
to talk privately to an attorney about family law issues, including divorce, dissolution, custody,
visitation, and more.


Seed & Plant Swap


This event will take place April 27 at the Ironton branch from 10:00 to 1:00.  

Please bring seeds, cuttings or  plants to share and trade with other community gardeners.


Big things are happening at your local library!

2024 Summer Reading

 Summer Reading for all ages starts on June 1 and ends on July 27.  We have programs for Adults, Teens and Children.  All have the chance to earn a free t-shirt plus many more prizes by reading books from the library.   For more information, visit your local library branch.  Find adventure this summer at the library!

ABC's of Honeybees

Learn all about honey bees and how important they are to our agriculture. Bill and Margaret Reid have been beekeepers for over 45 years.  They will present this program at the South Point branch, August 16 at 2:00.  

Food Drive with HeartCorps and the American Heart Association

Do you want to earn a fun prize? Now’s your chance! For the entire month of August, you can go into any branch of the library and donate a shelf stable/canned food item or hygiene product to receive an American Heart Association bracelet or keychain! The donated items will be going to Shawnee Family Health Center in Coal Grove to help their patients in need. If you or someone you know is a patient at SFHC, ask any staff member and they can help you out with making sure you have food/products!

Rows of metal bookshelves filled with library books
An exciting opportunity to be a part of the Briggs Library Team
Now Available at Each Library Branch
Benefits the Shawnee Family Health Center
Classes Offered at South Point and Symmes Valley